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Aluminium, with the chemical symbol Al, is a lightweight, silvery-white metal and the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Although known since the 18th century, it was first isolated in its pure form in the 19th century by the Danish chemist Hans Christian Ørsted and the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler.
On Earth, aluminium constitutes approximately 8% of the Earth's crust, primarily in the form of bauxite. The metal is known for its corrosion resistance and low density.
Exciting applications of aluminium are diverse. It is widely used in the construction industry for window frames, doors, and roofing. In the aerospace sector, it is utilized in aircraft structures due to its lightweight properties. Aluminium compounds are also employed in antacids and serve as ingredients in many food products.
Future applications could emerge in the development of lightweight materials, electromobility, and solar technology. Aluminium is considered a promising material for innovative energy storage applications. Thus, aluminium remains not only an essential component of daily life but also holds potential for groundbreaking developments in various industries.
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